Did You Review Your Home Insurance This Year? You Should!

Home insurance is a vital investment that protects you from potential financial liability after a covered event. It’s crucial to have sufficient insurance coverage for your home. At Peter Laczko Insurance Inc., servicing Woodstock, GA, we assist our customers in determining if they have adequate insurance to rebuild and replace damaged or lost items after a covered event occurs.

An annual review of your home insurance is essential if you have one. Here’s why.

Why Review Your Home Insurance?

Prices change over time. The cost of building materials, labor to rebuild a structure, and basic home goods may increase over time. When this happens, the funds available to you through your home insurance policy can cover fewer replacement or repair costs.

Reviewing your home insurance ensures that the coverage amounts in your policy are still sufficient to cover the cost of replacing or repairing your home and belongings. If the amount in your policy is inadequate, you have the option to increase your coverage amount.

Your insurance agent can also contribute to this review process. During your yearly review, they can inform you if there are opportunities to save money on home insurance.

When to Review Your Home Insurance?

You are advised to review your home insurance annually at a time that suits you. For consistency, the most effective approach is to do it at the same time each year. If you need to review your home insurance, we would be glad to assist you! Contact Peter Laczko Insurance Inc., servicing Woodstock, GA, to get started.

Peace of Mind in the Peach State, Why Woodstock Homeowners Need Home Insurance

Homeownership in Woodstock, GA offers Peach State residents a sense of pride and belonging. Protecting your most prized possession from perils like damage, vandalism, or theft is highly recommended for local area homeowners. 

The insurance professionals at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. in Woodstock, GA, can discuss your available coverage options and offer you a free quote to start your homeowner’s policy. 

Get Peace of Mind in the Peach State with Georgia Homeowners Insurance

Having home insurance can protect Woodstock area residents from unexpected financial losses caused by various perils. Homeowner’s policies offer liability coverage options that financially protect homeowners when someone gets injured on their property. 

Additional coverages for damages caused by extreme weather conditions like tornados and severe thunderstorms can save affected homeowners thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses. 

Knowledgeable insurance agents can offer you the best options for getting coverage for the outside of your home, the inside of your home, and your favorite personal belongings. 

Benefits of Homeowners Insurance for Woodstock Residents

Whether you’re a newcomer to the city or a lifelong resident, it is important to have adequate insurance coverage in place to ensure your home is well-protected against the unexpected. 

Homeowners insurance can help relieve some of the financial burdens associated with loss, theft, and vandalism of precious heirlooms that would typically be considered a total loss without insurance. It can also shield your finances from deep losses in the event of extreme weather or natural disasters that can cause extensive damage. 

Contact a licensed insurance agent at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. in Woodstock, GA, to learn more about your options for coverage and get peace of mind in knowing that your home is protected inside and out. 

Four Things You Need To Know About Home Insurance In Georgia

Just like other states, Georgia homeowners are faced with several perils. Ranging from fire, vandalism, theft, and lightning to storms, Georgia homeowners cannot rest easy without home insurance from Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. But before purchasing home insurance for your Woodstock, GA home, here are four things you should keep your eyes peeled for.

Remember to update your home insurance.

If you renovate your home, like adding bedrooms, a garage, and other amenities, you need to update your home insurance policy. If you fail to update your home insurance, additions to your beautiful home won’t be covered in case of damage.

Home insurance isn’t mandatory.

Unlike popular misconception, home insurance isn’t mandatory in Georgia. However, if your home is mortgage-financed, your lender may require you to carry home insurance as long as the loan facility is outstanding. 

Home insurance doesn’t protect you against all perils

Home insurance provides the following protection:

  • Liability coverage
  • Dwelling coverage
  • Personal belongings coverage
  • Additional living expenses coverage

While home insurance protects you against various perils, it won’t protect against the following:

  • Flood and earthquake damage
  • Damage from pests and molds
  • Regular wear and tear

Your home insurance also gives you limited protection for high-value items like jewelry and cash. As such, talk to your agent for separate insurance covers. You can also consider umbrella insurance to come to your rescue when the liability coverage of your home insurance runs out.

Insure your home against the cost of rebuilding.

Many homeowners make the mistake of using the market value to insure their homes instead of the cost of rebuilding. The rebuilding cost is more accurate since the market value can significantly dip in value due to market forces. In such cases, when damage occurs, the amount compensated won’t be enough to cover the cost of rebuilding.

Do you need home insurance for your Woodstock, GA home? If yes, you can’t go wrong with Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. Call us today for an affordable quote.

What are the benefits of motor home insurance?

Owning a motor home can be a good idea for anyone in the Woodstock, GA area. When you do own a motor home here, it will ensure that you will have a comfortable mode of transportation if you are looking to tour the country and state. At the same time, a motor home will give you a safe and secure place to sleep at night. If you are going to get a motor home, you should also get proper insurance for it. There are several benefits that come when you get motor home insurance.

Coverage Provides Legal Compliance

One of the benefits of getting motor home insurance is that you will be in compliance with the law. Anyone that would like to drive a motor home in the state of Georgia needs to follow the same insurance laws as other motorists. State law here will require that you carry at least a liability policy, which ensures you have the capability to pay for any damages you may cause in an accident.

Coverage Protects Asset

Another reason that you should get a motor home insurance policy is that it can protect your asset. If you were to purchase a motor home, you will be investing a lot in this new asset. If you do not have coverage and it is stolen or damaged, you will incur a significant loss. Fortunately, you can offset this risk if you get a full motor home insurance policy. 

When you want motor home insurance in the Woodstock, GA area, you should reach out to the team of professionals at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. Motor home insurance is a complex form of coverage, and having Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. by your side will make choosing a policy much easier. The team takes a personalized approach to give insurance guidance to ensure you get the right policy that meets your needs. 

What valuation method should you choose in your home insurance policy?

When shopping for home insurance for your Woodstock, GA home, you might think every homeowners’ policy works the same way and this is far from true. Your policy would pay for you to repair or purchase a new home if the incumbent home incurred damage covered under the policy. The value of the home and the valuation method are enumerated in the policy details through and decide how much money you would receive if a named peril damaged the house.

This blog explains the difference between valuation methods so you can make a savvy insurance purchase from Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. Your home policy might use one of the following five values for your home:

  • guaranteed replacement value, 
  • replacement value, 
  • cash value, 
  • fair market value,
  • extended replacement value.

Almost no insurers offer guaranteed replacement value any longer. That pays you what it would cost to replace your home as it was when you purchased it, but at today’s market rates. Instead, many insurance companies offer extended replacement value which functions in a similar manner but requires you to purchase an add-on home warranty as part of your insurance coverage.

Replacement value provides you the money to purchase a home at the value you purchased your home, while case value gives you what it was worth just before the damage from the named peril occurred. Fair market value pays what it sounds like it does – what you would get if you had sold the home before the peril damaged it. You get its value on the real estate market.

Each of these valuation methods can result in vastly different payouts. You may have purchased a historical home with intrinsic value. Since your purchase, the local building codes may have undergone updates. Those updates require you to spend much more money to build to code than re-building just as the home was constructed originally. Only guaranteed replacement value and extended replacement value would pay for the updated home completely. The other methods would leave you with out-of-pocket expenses.

Replacement value would come close but still would not cover everything. Cash value and fair market value could leave you in the hole by thousands of dollars since they look at replacing the home in present value. You might have cared perfectly for your home, but the fair market value could lower your payout since the fair market value of a home also includes the value of the neighborhood. If your neighborhood declined, it impacts the value of your home.

Contact Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. for more information on insuring your home in Woodstock, GA. We can help you properly insure your investment.

Can Home Insurance Protect Homeowners From Issues With Radon Gas?

Radon gas is a radioactive gas naturally produced within the earth. This gas can leak into a home or building without being detected for some time. This type of gas is very dangerous and can lead to damages and health problems if not detected and mitigated immediately. 

Radon Gas And Home Insurance

Unfortunately, home insurance coverage normally doesn’t pay for damage, mitigation, and displacement as a result of radon gas emissions into the home or covered structures. This is why it is important to have the home checked for radon gas before making a purchase to help prevent any losses. Speak with the real estate agent to find out if it’s possible to test for radon during the home inspection to help provide details.

Finding Home Insurance

Home insurance policies have limitations and terms and conditions to be aware of before making a purchase. That is why you need an experienced insurance professional like those at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. working with you to help you find the ideal home insurance policy. Let them know if you have any special concerns about the home’s location or other issues like radon gas before making a policy purchase. The agent can help you understand which options work to fit your needs and take a special circumstance into consideration. Working with your agent in Woodstock, GA is your best defense against surprises and gaps in coverage.

Anyone who is currently searching for home insurance should consult with the agents at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. who serve the residents of Woodstock, GA. They are ready to answer your questions and help you discover insurance options that provide peace of mind and year-round protection. 

How to Add Riders to Your Home Policy

Here at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. in Woodstock, GA, we’re first to admit that homeowners’ insurance isn’t a simple matter. We want it to be though. We’re here to answer your questions. One question we hear often is “why would I need a rider to my policy and what exactly is a rider?”

The term rider refers to an addition to a policy that adds a higher level of coverage for one item or category of item. An endorsement and rider refer to the same thing. You can add it to a condo, home, mobile home or renter’s insurance.

One common limitation or exclusion – jewelry – probably tops the list of popular riders. Most home insurance caps your jewelry losses around $2,000 or 10 percent of the policy value. That may not even cover your wedding band set, so you’d add a jewelry rider to cover the rest.

Policies cover an average household. That’s how it got the name standard policy. You customize it for your needs by adding riders.

Besides jewelry, households also commonly choose to add riders for hobby items, antiques, Oriental rugs, stereo, and high-end TV equipment, fine art, and home office equipment.

If your standard policy as written covers everything you need, no problem. You need to do nothing, but sit back and enjoy the safety it provides. If you have other items to protect, add one or more riders.

That’s right. You can add more than one, so you can protect all of your personal property. You can add them for nearly any item that the standard policy excludes or that has low limits.

Let’s go over your policy together to determine what items might require riders in your home. Contact Peter Laczko Insurance Inc serving Woodstock, GA today.

How Your Home Insurance Provides Protection for Family Parties

Part of the joy of owning your own home is inviting all your Woodstock, GA area friends and family to come over for a special celebration. If you ever worry about what would happen to your personal savings account if somebody was injured on the deck or in the pool, your home insurance policy from Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. is here to provide reassurance and protection.

Trip and Falls Do Happen

No matter how diligent you are in maintaining your home, it is always possible for somebody to trip on the front steps or slip around the pool.  They are called accidents for a reason. When it happens on your property, it is likely that you may be found responsible for the costs incurred in the emergency room and while your friend recovers. That is only fair, but not the end of the world.

Liability Coverage Takes Care of Medical Payments

Part of every home insurance policy is a liability section. This helps to cover the expense of seeking medical treatment and even for living expenses when somebody is injured on your property. You are generally responsible to pay for a minimal deductible while the insurance company takes care of the rest, up to an agreed upon maximum amount. 

Party On with Confidence

What does this mean? Feel free to open the doors of your Woodstock, GA home and welcome in your family for some fun over the long weekend. Since you have a home insurance policy from Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. you are protected from the unexpected incidents that may arise during any celebration. If you are wondering if your liability is sufficient, give our local insurance agents a call and we will be happy to review your policy today.

What Protection Does Your Home Policy Provide for Items You Have in Storage?

Many people in the greater Woodstock, GA area find that they have more possessions than will fit in their home or apartment. Whether you are a renter or an owner, a comprehensive policy can provide protection for your items, no matter where they may be. The professional team at Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. are here to review your current policy or to help you choose your first home owner or renter’s policy. If you are unsure of the level of protection that you have or that you need, we are here to help!

Protect Your Possessions, No Matter Where They Are

If you are downsizing, or are just cleaning out some clutter from your home, you may find that a storage solution is necessary for your belongings. There are insurance policies available, for both homeowners and renters, that need protection for items that are both at home or in storage. A comprehensive policy will provide the protection you need for all of your personal items. One thing to note is that your home or renters insurance policy will likely not provide coverage of your items as they are being transported from one place to another via a moving company. During your home insurance policy review be sure to inform your agent of any plans that you may have to relocate and how your items will be transported and they can address your individual situation.

Now is the time to make sure that you have the coverage that you need to protect your possessions, whether they are in your home or at a storage facility. If you are in the greater Woodstock, GA area call or stop by the Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. offices today and we will help you put the necessary coverage in place!

Home owners transition basics

In today’s life transitions, people no longer stay in one family home for generations. Often people will live and own several houses of different sizes, in different areas of the country during their lives. Transitioning you should know a few basics so a new place to live doesn’t dazzle you and then surprise you with costs you don’t anticipate.

Be aware of your paper trail

  • Know your credit rating: This can make a difference in your insurance premium.
  • Check your any home insurance claims that you might have filed.  Your agent can look at various sites for you and determine how it will affect future insurance.
  • Renters insurance It can be important to have a history of insurance when you are buying.

Things to look for

  • Construction of the house:  Look at the location of where you want to move, it may come with hidden problems like flooding hurricanes or weather.
  • Age of the house: Older homes sometimes have features that are costly to deal with repairs. These replacements may raise the cost of insurance.  
  • Current codes: The age of the house and updates may indicate whether or not it’s up to code. This may affect insurance rates.
  • Mechanical systems and safety devices:  Plumbing, electric, HVAC, as well as smoke, fire and burglar alarms all wear out in time. Recent upgrades make for a safer home and minimize insurance.
  • Pool, wood burning stove: Wonderful to have, but you will need higher property and liability.
  • Fire department: Little known is that if a home is located near a fire station and a hydrant close by have reduced insurance. Also, there’s a bonus for a professional rather fire department.
Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. serving Woodstock, GA can help you find the insurance you need.