Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Sinkhole Damage in GA?

As a homeowner, you may have several concerns when it relates to the damages your property may face. Your home insurance should reflect your concerns in Woodstock, GA, which means that you will want to purchase a plan that addresses every concern that may arise. Although sinkholes can happen at any time, many home insurance policies will not offer coverage in the basic plan.

Risk of Sinkholes

Although a sinkhole can occur in any location and at any time, Georgia is not considered a high-risk state. As a result, it may be possible to add the coverage to your homeowner’s plan without spending a small fortune for the protection.

The risk of sinkholes can vary based on the location. Usually, it will occur in areas that have a large amount of ground water since the water below the surface of the ground can erode the rocks and dirt beneath the house.

Getting the Coverage

In most cases, a homeowner’s policy will not include coverage for sinkholes or damages that are related to sinkholes. If you are worried that there may be a risk, then you can add to the basic policy that you have purchased. Alternatively, you can purchase a separate policy to address the issue of sinkholes.

Adding the coverage to your plan will ensure that you are protected, even if you do not have high risk of accidents that are related to sinkholes.

There are several plans that address your needs as a homeowner, but most basic policies will not include sinkholes without adding to the basic plan. If you are concerned about the risk, you should read your policy and purchase additional protection if it is necessary. To learn more about protecting your home, contact us to talk to an agent today.