How to Best Clean Your Car in Woodstock, Georgia

While it’s important to get the best possible auto insurance for your automobile in Woodstock, Georgia, through a local broker like Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. keeping your vehicle clean is more of an ongoing concern. Not only does keeping your car clean help it’s resale value and allow it to look good, but it can also protect you from getting into an accident as dirt can accumulate on the windows and mirrors, effecting visibility. Below are some tips for how to best clean your car in Woodstock, Georgia.


Wash and wax your vehicle on a weekly basis a few weeks in a row. This way there will be a build up of car wax on the outside that will take a long time to wear out. While it may be tie consuming and a little costly off the bat to repeatedly wash and wax your car over a few weeks, it will actually save you money and time in the long run as you won’t have to wash your car for the next few months, or until the wax shield has be worn down,


Windows, windshields and mirrors are arguably the most prone to dirt and smudges and are the most important to keep clean on a regular basis, as they can be the difference between getting into an accident and driving safely. The best way to clean these are with old newspapers and some window cleaning solution that is streak free. Do this on a weekly basis, at least.


The most frustrating thing about vacuuming your car is dragging out a house vacuum and plugging it in or using a coin operated vacuum within the allotted time. So buy a hand vacuum that will allow you to regularly clean the floors of your vehicle of any excess dirt that has been tracked inside.