Should I Get Renters Insurance If I Live in My Parent’s House?

There’s no denying that a large percentage of Millennials are living with their parents. In fact, according to certain studies, the rate of young adults choosing to stay in their parents’ homes is higher than it ever has been. If you happen to be one of these young adults, there’s no need to feel alone. What you do need to do, however, is make sure that you are protecting your belongings with insurance just the same as you would if you were living in an apartment or renting a house from a landlord. 

Do I Need Insurance If I Rent From My Parents?

When you live with your parents, you can still speak with an insurance agent about purchasing renters insurance. Many insurance companies will allow you to buy coverage for your personal belongings. All of your parent’s belongings will have to be covered by their own homeowner’s policy. Purchasing renters insurance while living at your parents is especially simple when you have your own entrance to the home and your own living quarters. 

It should be noted that the specifics of a renters insurance policy will vary from one insurance provider to the next, making is very important to speak with an agent to determine exactly what is covered and what is not. If you have chosen to stay in your parents home, regardless of your reasons, you definitely need to speak with an insurance agent to see how renters insurance can be of benefit to you. Even if you are staying there for a limited amount of time to save up for your own home, a renters insurance policy can provide you with peace of mind. 

Contact Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. today to learn more about renters insurance in Woodstock, GA.