What is “Off -Season” RV Insurance?

If you’re like most RV owners, you probably hit the road during spring and summer and store your vehicle during off-season months when cold weather sets in. Adjusting your insurance coverage during this off-season period can help save you money on premium costs. At Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. in Woodstock, GA, we can help you adjust your coverage to meet your off-season RV insurance needs. Here are a few ideas of how to adjust your insurance coverage during the off-season months:


When you’re on the road, you need ample liability coverage to protect you against accidents you may cause. During the off-season, however, you can reduce your liability protection to minimum state requirements to save on insurance costs.

Optional Coverage

You may want to drop optional coverage like roadside assistance, towing or campsite liability during these off-season months as they won’t be needed while your RV is in storage. Just remember to reinstate this coverage when you’re ready to hit the road again in spring so you’re not caught unprepared.


Comprehensive coverage is still important while your vehicle’s in storage as there’s always the risk of theft, vandalism or damage due to adverse weather. You may also decide to use your vehicle once or twice during the off-season, making it important to retain this essential coverage.

Check for Discounts

When adjusting RV insurance for the off-season, check for discounts that can help reduce insurance costs. If you’ve paid your RV in full or had no claims over the last year, you may qualify for a discount on your policy. Improved credit or bundling your RV with auto or home insurance could also make you eligible for a discounted rate on your RV insurance policy.

For more information on RV insurance coverage and costs, contact Peter Laczko Insurance Inc. in Woodstock, GA.